An efficient tool for promoting a good or service is advertising. Advertisements can have an impact on anyone’s imagination and way of thinking, but kids are especially susceptible.
For decades, marketers have been helping advertisers promote their goods. This includes promoting products to children. There are many advantages to advertising, but there are also drawbacks.
Some people argue that advertisers should be allowed to market their products to children because it can help them learn about the world and have greater purchasing power. Children should have the right to make decisions about their own lives and what they want to purchase.
Others believe that it is wrong for advertisers to market their products to children because it influences them too much and encourages them to buy things they don’t need or want.

Pros of advertising products to children

In the viewpoint of an advertiser, it is significantly more effective since the campaign can leave a lasting impact. The child will always have a loyalty to the brand, which may influence their decisions in the future. Advertisers should be allowed to market their products to children because they are the future of the company.
Children are a very important target audience for advertisers. Thus, it is important to give them a good first impression of the brand or product. There are many advantages of marketing products to children such as introducing them to new brands, increasing their brand awareness and creating lifelong customers.

Cons of advertising products to children

The pros of enhancing a child’s imagination up to a point are outweighed by the cons of the child not being able to understand his needs. This may result in him nagging his parents or even becoming dissatisfied.
Children are unable to distinguish between what is real and what is not real because of their differing mentalities from adults. His perspective of good and bad may be distorted leading them into a life of consumerism, and influencing them to make purchase decisions without considering other factors like price or quality.


As a society, we have made a big improvement in terms of protecting children from the adverse effects. We have created an effective legislation against advertising alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances to children. We need to address the negative effects of advertising in general and we need to recognize the consequences of marketing products to children.
Advertisements during TV programs that frequently target kids can be harmful for them because it changes how they see themselves and can lead to unhealthy behaviours like smoking or drinking alcohol.
A lot needs to be done before the next generation is ingrained with these ideas about buying something for the sake of it, or because someone famous has it, or because it’s what everyone else has – without any consideration of whether they want it or need it.

What can be done

To an extent, it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that all advertisements are appropriate for children. The advertising industry needs to be regulated. The government should also educate children about the dangers of advertising such as addiction and obesity.
Advertising to children should be kept to a minimum, even if it is an excellent and effective method of promotion. It is critical to improve a generation’s mindset and way of thinking.
Besides, parents should be careful about what their children view. There should always be clear supervision. Since commercials play a significant role in business, those that target youngsters should emphasise social values and topics that will boost their morale and sympathy for others.